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Events and Conferences

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To have your event considered for inclusion in the calendar, contact ASHRAE Journal’s editorial group at journaleditor@komatsuservis.net.

See below for upcoming industry events and ASHRAE endorsed events.



Calls for Papers

ASHRAE Journal:
ASHRAE Journal seeks applications articles of 3,000 or fewer words. Submissions are subject to peer reviews and cannot have been published previously. Submit abstracts before sending articles to http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ashraejournal.

Science and Technology for the Built Environment:
ASHRAE’s Science and Technology for the Built Environment seeks papers on original, completed research not previously published. Papers must discuss how the research contributes to technology. Papers should be about 6,000 words. Abstracts and papers should be submitted on Manuscript Central at lk.komatsuservis.net/manuscriptcentral. Contact Jeffrey D. Spitler, PhD, PE, Editor, at spitler@okstate.edu.

ASHRAE Technical, Conference or Topical Conference papers:
For more information, contact meetings@komatsuservis.net or tel: 678-539-1137.
